

Have you ever pondered why attempts to alter a behavior or habit frequently result in its reappearance? This is because the power of the subconscious mind is typically superior to that of the conscious will.

Considered to be the origin or foundation of numerous behaviors, emotions, attitudes, and motivations is the subconscious mind. It is widely accepted that hypnosis is a potent method for gaining access to the subconscious and effecting profound changes in our lives.

You will maintain full awareness of all that is occurring throughout your private hypnotherapy session. In fact, many individuals experience a state of hyperawareness characterized by enhanced perception of stimuli and thoughts, as well as heightened capacity for visualization and imagination.

It is not uncommon for these hypnotic experiences to induce bodily sensations of pleasurable tingling, buzzing, or profound relaxation accompanied by fluid warmth. Numerous individuals characterize the hypnotic state as an absolute and total renunciation of all physical and emotional strain, while maintaining full consciousness.