Personal Info

  • Name:

    Dr Vamsi S Krisshnaa

  • Speciality:

    Energy Healing, Hypnotherapy

  • Experience:

    6 years in business

  • Phone No:

    081431 93777

  • Email: sachamreiki@gmail.com
  • Social:
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In order to provide individuals who are grappling with stress, anxieties, and motivation with solace and resolution, Dr Vamsi S Krishnaa employs a specialized and expert methodology in hypnosis and hypnotherapy.

Motivation, stress management, immune disorders, weight loss, and sleep issues are areas of expertise for Dr Vamsi Krishna. He is endowed with an enduring enthusiasm and perpetually developing comprehension of subconscious behavior, endeavors to employ his expertise in hypnotherapy to assist his clients in attaining their objectives and enhancing their quality of life.

His expertise extends to mentoring individuals in their journey towards becoming healers.Through an ever-expanding portfolio of certifications and ongoing education, clients can have confidence that their hypnotherapist and Healer and Guru is committed to devoting the necessary time and energy to deliver a customized hypnotherapy approach that precisely addresses their requirements.


Sacham's mission is to promote the notion that profoundly effective, psychological, spiritual, and therapeutic techniques exist for all to utilize in order to empower themselves, recover, and revolutionize their lives. Having successfully facilitated an immediate and enduring transformation in our clientele, we are presently instigating a global cascading effect of wellness, healing, and transformation.

Profound online and offline seminars and retreats have been crafted with the intention of dismantling obstacles that individuals encounter across various domains of life, including but not limited to anxiety, depression, self-confidence concerns, relationship difficulties, and emotional trials.

The objective of our offline and online spiritual healing, counseling, and psychotherapy sessions is to assist clients in recognizing and investigating recurring themes and patterns in their thoughts, emotions, self-perception, relationships, and life experiences.

Our unique selling proposition is that we regard each client like family and establish personal connections with them. My objective is for each household to have one healer.


Sacham is committed to fostering a holistic sense of wellness. Our belief is that each person possesses the ability and potential to heal themselves. Psychological Counseling (including counseling for anxiety, stress, and depression, relationship counseling, and more), Psychotherapies (including Past Life Regression, Future Progression, Hypnosis, and Dream Analysis), Alternative Healing Therapies (including Reiki and Tarot), and more are among the many services offered by Sacham. Moreover, it offers apprenticeships, seminars, and training for the majority of these services. In the early months of 2016, Dr Vamsi Krishna established Sacham.

Our objective is to assist our clients in unlocking their tremendous reservoir of inner strength and acknowledging the healer's presence within, thereby fostering their complete autonomy and self-assurance.

Anyone who is aware of how to do it and receives guidance from a healer can achieve physical fitness and mental well-being. He is not obligated to seek external sources of mental stimulation and pleasure.

Our holistic approach to wellness facilitates the attainment of optimal physical and mental health. We are striving to have 10,000 healers completed by the end of this year.